Monday, September 17, 2012


I am a big fan of rucksacks for they are very useful to students like me. And for me rucksacks are those bags which are very student-friendly. It fits everything that you will need for a school. Then suddenly, I saw this post which is about rucksacks and it caught my attention for the design is well done. What made me stayed to browse more at their FB page is when I saw that they are upto something. Something very good and something that can help make more difference. So they are aiming for one bright future for the next generations. It involves 4 steps of coolness. First is Design: They design bags with pure inspiration. Second: Sell. Sell it to the consumers who. Third: Identify schools or organizations that might need help and lastly: Give. They give help by providing books for children in need. I think this is because they believe that those children will contribute something big for our world and for our future. And they call themselves Jatalo.

The above message might sound cheesy to you. But still, helping someone is one of the many things I love to do. With just a single bag you may help a lot. So here are the bags that they sell. Also, bracelets. I may not own any of these but I would love to have one or two of these. And oh, I think I heard that they are looking for ambassadors too bad it's exclusive for US. But if ever there would be here in the Philippines I would love to be part of them.

I am Paulo and this is for One World. One Future.

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